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Collective Vendor Spotlight: Coss Creative

White Dahlia is so excited to have Brian Coss of Coss Creative as the photographer for our Hidden Vineyard Collective and styled shoot on May 28th!

Brian has been in business for 10 years and describes his style of photography as real, organic and un-staged. He wants his photography to feel timeless, as well as taking a photojournalistic approach that anticipates what people are feeling in that moment and then capturing that feeling.

Brian's passion for photography began when he was young. "As a child growing up I would look at photos and be instantly transported back to that moment. Even photos before my time, it’s fun and somewhat enlightening to look at a photo, have it move you, inspire you, and challenge your way of thinking. For me a photo is a conversation that is worth having. Helps discover parts of you that you might haven not known otherwise."

"As I got older I was involved in Boy Scouts. I did the Photography Merit Badge at Blackburn College where they were hosting. I grabbed my mom’s 35mm film camera, a couple rolls a film and thought I would get another merit badge. The professor of the college [was] also the Merit Badge Counselor who “ Lives, Eats, & Breathes “ photography told us to go out and take photos and let our creativity run wild. We then developed the film and reviewed the images. Afterwards he pulled me to the side and said, “ I have a classroom of students that I teach photography to. Your talent and eye is a gift that can’t be taught. Don’t waste it." It was the first time I felt special about this God given gift. Fast forward in life, I knew I wanted to be a stay -at- home dad. I took this gift and decided I wanted to serve people, honor my parents, and the gifts that I have. To be able to serve families, and gift them the opportunity to go back in time, revisit that moment, have a conversation with that photo well…’s the highest honor."

Brian says his favorite part of wedding day is getting to mingle with the family members and see their different personalities.

His best advice for couples when they are looking for a wedding photographer is to find someone that will love your day as much as you do. He says its also important to consider the photography as an investment.

"Photography should be one of your biggest investments BUT it will be the BEST investment. I’ve seen too many couples go cheap, hiring the family friend, or give that “ one” person a chance to build a wedding portfolio and get burned really get what you pay for. Make sure you hire a photographer with experience in the industry as a whole. Look for a photographer that loves you and your wedding. It’ll make all the difference in the world."

While Brian takes photography and his business seriously, his personality is anything but serious.

"Life is short. Have fun, laugh, & don’t take it too seriously. I’m genuine, loyal, sincere, & brutally honest. I’m a solid Enneagram 8. I LOVE going to the movies. I’ll even go by myself more often than not. Movie theater popcorn is the best snack on earth!"

You can check out Brian's work on Instagram (@cosscreative), and on his website ( He can be reached via email at and for any inquiries.

Don't forget to register for The Collective at Hidden Vineyard on May 28th! Brian will be available to talk all things wedding photography as well as show his work in action as he will be our featured photographer for our live styled shoot! Tickets for The Collective can be purchased through the link on our website.



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